+ to david hOang : "i dont miss you, i only miss the person who u were before" *sigh* dont know where to begin but the fact that, we left on a bad note. thats the last thing i want & regret not saying what i want to say to you before it was too late. its so hard btween us cuz we cant hold a conversation without arguing. its difficult because everything we seem to talk about always seems to be a "misunderstanding". things change & now it took its toll for the worst. maybe we'll cross paths again & have our friendship back . thanks for the memories & all you've done for me, its forever engraved in my heart. the good & the bad, its made me in a better person in ways & maybe even my worse @ times. i'll leave it at this -- til then take care of yourself, i wish you the best of luck with what you do with your heart & mind. RIP 325
» . .. " Here we go again // Fighting over who started the argument // Now why can't you and I just get along // It's over // But believe me it's better this way // Too many second times around // Too many times we let each other down // It's over // I never meant for us to end up this way // And although it hurts like hell // I'd rather you save tomorrow for someone else // Maybe one day we can both look back // And laugh at the stupid things that made us mad " .. .
+ im missin' my baby justin *sigh*
Tuesday, November 18, 2003