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long awaited update » T0 TH0SE 56KeRS PLeASE WAiT FoR iT tO LOaD . . ..
i KNOW ya'll have been waitin for this update -- LOL. now now dOn't lie to yourself & becOme indenial. =D [ wow beb yOur " the whole world revolves around me attitude is rubbin off on me. LMAO jk =D ]. just sit back & relax, i hOpe you enjOy this update lOokin at the pictures & "readin" my thOughts. here it gOes.. 1...2...3... gO
FRIDAY " HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDWiN, NEZZA, TiFFANY & RYAN " ya'll know it was my bestgirl's [ loysuh & geneveve ] cotilliOn on friday december 5. i didn't go to schOol that day [ well then again 1/2 the click didn't! i wOnder if anyone noticed?! LOL ]. sammy, andrew, man, dan, & randy came to my house all early about it. we napped, chilled, messed around. dan & andrew went to get a shirt, man & randy knocked out on my floor & couch, along with me & sam. it was real quiet in the crazy house of mine. the guys left, na, kathy, valerie, & henry came. we all rode out to my girl maheks hOuse to get our hurr did. tyn, celeste, kc, julie & cris came throughout the day before 5. it was crazy shit, it was a barbershop up in that piece! things were gettin hectic, time was cutting down, s0o finally 1/2 of us went to lone tree & nigguh packed na's car like sardines in a can. we got to lone tree a couple people were there, thank god NOT everyone was & they were STILL puttin up the decOrations which was str8. girls got in the dresses, the bathroom was a total mess, everything was ALL over the place. we were runnin behind cuz we were missing lOri [ stupid traffic ]. the entrance » the fOod » the slideshOw » the father daughter dance » tyn singing [ yOu did GREAAATTT ! ] » waltz [ LOL funny stuff we all were lOokin at eachother at what to do next ] » rhumba [ gOod job guys! ] » kathy singing [ yOu were amazing *frOm what i heard from ppl* sucks i was in the washrOom when you were singing! oOh well i got my private shOw @ "the barbershOp" ] » hip hOp dance [ we did gOod guys! LOL all the practice paid off ! ] » speeches [ ahH i was ballin my eyes out when i was dOne. *what a LOSER* it was comfOrting when ya'll gave me a hug =D & heard a big " aWwWwW just jane! " when justin came to the "rescue" to make me smile * sigh he never fails to do sO * ] » picture time! » dance the night away.. . . i had a great night, all the dancing, the picture taking, the long talks, these memories will be remembered till the end. after the cotillion most of us headed up to chinatown, i fell asleep on the way there as so did tara. michelle, kris, tara & i went to TLC to get some shakes, i saw my "cOusin" volt. headed back to 7 treasures, i hadnt planned on gettin anythin, but i saw stephen eat crab rangOon & he got me cravin. sO me & michelle shared sOme, gOod shit. daedae helped me take out my rubberbands in my hair after i got all 45 bObby pins [ YES I KNOW 45! ]. kris, tara & i headed hOme, before we went back to the 847, we dropped off tara at her apartment by UIC. i gOt hOme tOOk a nice & hot shower, then justin came by. then the JUSTJANE time began LMAO jk [ freakin martin! ] he sleptover, wow we fkin knocked out, it felt s0o g0od to sleep after a long exhausting day.
a cOuple msgs gOin out tOo .. L0YSUH & GENEVEVE [ thank you girls for havin me as part of your court. i was more than happy to be a part of your special night. i mean what i said in my speech -- so remember it & never forget 143 ] .. N0ELLE [ '02 juniOr im here fOr you, im nOt mad. yOu're smart enOugh to make yOur decisions, just always think twice & reasOn out the possibilities. im N0T leavin yOu clueless 'bout nuffin ] .. SAMMY [ my xangawh0re .. thanks for puttin up with my crazy stuff during preparing myself for the cotillion. ] .. to the rest of the c0urt [ its FINALLY done, it was dope workin with ya'll i hope you had as much fun as i did .. ] .. tO the INCONSiDERATE - IRRESPONSiBLE - people whO drOpped or NEVER showed up to practice [ ya'll mo'fockers missed out on a FUN night! ]
nOw the mOment ya'll been waitin fO .. the pictures.. geezz what am i thinking?! i knOw ya'll checked the pictures befOre readin that chapter entry up there. LOL 'sokai! just as long as i get yOur feedback [ ahem COMMENTS&EPROPS ahem ]
saturday " HAPPY 3 MONTHS TO ME & JUSTIN " justin brought me to work from 12-6, which wasn't as bad as i thought it would be cuz the time went by fast. my mom picked me up & then we picked up tita baby, julian, & chris. we headed up tO woodfield to eat at TODAI'S. i saw ton, angel, kristine, & patrick when justin jOined us for dinner =D. after eating, me & jusface seperated from the family & did some xmas' shOpping. i was prOud of myself, i walked outta hollister without something for me. i didnt really find anythin sOo "wOo wOo WoO", walked around a couple more times in & outta stOres tryin to find another present, but no luck. after that we went to streets to watch HONEY with dikki, dennis, kris, kimchi, sin, mikey, lori, chris, & judson. i saw alot of ppl there at streets, some new & old faces. i liked the movie hOney, it made me want to be a dancer. [ go katrina! ] =D after that justin brought me hOme, before he left i gave him his present. it wasnt anything big, just something different. i hOpe he likes it. i had a gOod weeekend, spending time with the "husband" was just great.
" . . i just gotta tell the world . . he's all mine i just can't find the words to say
this kind of feeling don't come every day it feels like heaven to me, love has given me wings boy you light up my life you feel like heaven to me, every day's like a dream having you by my side . . "
++ edit ++
thanks to all of you for the HAPPY ANNiVERSARY banners =). i APPReCiATE all the time & effort [ esp the thought ] that you guys put in it. muahz!
final wOrds . . I enjoyed ALL the eprops from the previOus entry! i hope i returned the eprops in favor to ya'll if not let me know. HAPPY ANNIVERSARIES to all the couples out there [ to name a few, rowieALFRED, loysuhANDREW, genRANDY, lynaMAN, jomanaDAN, carleenTEODY ] . i KNOW there's alot, cuz when mine's here i know ya'll gOt yours comin around! i hOpe ya'll had fun lOokin at the pictures & readin/skimming/SKIPPING through my thOughts LOL. aye whatever floats ya'll bOat aiite? dOnt think ill be updatin anytime soOn, nO big events for miss jane to have "coverage " on. LOL just kidding. if i dont update anytime before the holidays, take care, have fun, be safe, happy holidays & gOd bless
_ ya'll are MORE THAN welcome to "cop" the pictures off my xanga =] i know i'll be seein them on your pages =) just gimme some credit [ thanks nhu, justin b. tyn, lori, sammy & allen ]. i know ya'll like my photography skillz !